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The Hobbit is an unexpectedly slow journey at 48fps HFR

The Hobbit is shot in 3D at 48 frames per second -- twice the rate of normal movies. But what difference does it make? What does HFR look like?

霍比特人:意外旅程, which opens in the UK on Thursday, is shot in 3D at 48 frames per second -- twice the rate of normal movies. You can see it in 2D, 3D and在全3D高帧速率下的某些电影院(HFR). But what difference does it make? What does it look like?

It's very high resolution, and very lifelike, with almost no motion blur.The Hobbitin HFR looks like you're watching a really expensive ride at somewhere like Universal Studios. It made me wonder why they chose a fantasy production for its big-screen debut. When everything is fake, what's the point in making it look like a documentary?


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When there aren't special effects happening, it's so clear and smooth and bright that it's often like watching a pantomime. This feeling is enhanced by all the hammy British TV actors (Ken Stott, Jimmy Nesbitt, Sylvester McCoy) dressed up in big noses and funny wigs. It's a curious sensation, and almost worth going to see the film for. Almost.

这是第一部电影的两个和三个四分之一小时,The Hobbitreeks of eke. Every scene from the book is drawn out to three times its natural length, and many more added besides. Instead of a character revealing his motives through action, another character will explain his legendary backstory in tedious length over a largely computer-generated flashback. Even poor old Gandalf, a whimsical, enigmatic presence in the book, is made to spell out exactly what he's thinking.

The dwarves are a cheery bunch -- you do at least get a sense of where they've been all these years, earning a crust on the roads of Middle Earth, whereas in the book they're largely mute sketches. Their hair and noses, while ludicrous, aren't dwelt on, the camera gliding quickly past them.

但他们的宴会在袋子结束时,当矮人吃了壁炉和洞的屁股,必须持续半小时?他们洗完洗衣时是否需要一首歌?他们需要在屏幕上扔陶器,提醒你你正在看一部3D电影吗?我确实喜欢他们对黄金的悲伤歌曲,但只是因为它让我想起了Terry Pratchett。

Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins

正如一个孩子的故事,即使四肢和怪异的CGI头被砍掉,行动也是完全没有流血的。没有跳跃或恐慌,但战斗可能对很少的人来说有点少。有几个有趣的追逐,包括一个通过精灵矿井,让我想起了Temple of Doom, but otherwise excitement is very thin on the ground.

Everything's very thin on the ground.The Hobbit是一个苗条的冒险故事,其中Bilbo学会了对他来说比任何人都在疑似,而德沃夫王的托伦·王,友谊比任何珠宝更有价值。这是200页的罚款,但在近9个小时内确实会变得非常乏味。事实上,它已经存在。

很容易最好的一点是当Gollum和Bilbo在谜语游戏中测试彼此的智慧时。Andy Serkis仍然被称为可怜的可怜的可怜疯狂,并且一劳永逸的弗里曼拥有呼吸一些生命的空间。这是我想要持续更长时间的唯一场景。

The Hobbit然后是一个悲伤,无聊,雇佣兵项目。为什么它在三个部分?许多待售电影票的三倍。为什么在3d中?额外的钱在眼镜上制作。为什么在HFR中?使3D更容忍 - 至少是非常光滑和光明的。为什么它是难以忍受的?在那里,你有我。你认为他们想要在每天更多的节目中挤压。

Perhaps it's so the Blu-ray will be more of a value proposition for parents -- shove the kids in front of that and they'll be quiet for nearly three hours. Except they won't. They'll be fidgeting and moaning after half an hour, because all anyone's done is sit in a kitchen and eat.